Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparison Of Flight And The Masquerade Of The Red Death

In the story â€Å"Flight† by John Steinbeck and â€Å"The Masquerade Of The Red Death† by Edgar Allen Poe, both protagonists meet a similar fate. In â€Å"Flight†, the main character named Pepe, of mexican descent, is described as a lazy kid at the age of 19. His mother sends him to Monterey to get medicine and bath salts. In town, pepe gets insulted by a white man, and kills him with his fathers knife. His vision of being a man was taking someones life. He is hunted down by men seeking revenge for the man who he kills. In â€Å"The Masquerade Of The Red Death†, A self absorbed and obnoxious prince invites people to his impenetrable castle to avoid the plague. He and his guests are soon tracked down by the disease itself. Both Protagonists are hunted down†¦show more content†¦Throughout Pepes journey to Monterey and to the mountains to seek shelter, Steinbeck changes the environment along with Pepes physical traits. At the beginning of the story, Pepes mouth is described as sweet and shaped like a girls mouth. Pepe draws many resemblances of being a child in the beginning, whereas at his death scene, his mouth is dirty and bloody; â€Å"Between his lips the tip of his black tongue showed† (129). Steinbeck also uses the color black to foreshadow Pepes upcoming death. Steinbecks use of imagery in the story shows how the environment is changing as well as Pepe himself to his inevitable death. Steinbeck masterfully creates a constantly moving environment as well as flowing characters to relate to the common theme of confronting death. In the story â€Å"The Masquerade Of The Red Death†, Edgar Allen Poe describes how gruesome the red death is. For example, There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores, with dissolution. The scarlet stains upon the body and especially upon the face of the victim, were the pest ban which shut him out from the sympathy of his fellow men. (145). Poe describes how disgusting the disease is, and establishes the mood and setting throughout the story. This points to why the guests react to the blood stained intruder. Color is also used as symbolism in the story, representing the seven stages of life. The story progressesShow MoreRelated Content, Themes, Diction and Imagery of Eliots Poems Essay4170 Words   |  17 PagesPreludes illustrates physical inaction, as a woman in the third section struggles sluggishly to awake and prepare to get out of bed. Preludes also suggests the paralysis of the metaphysical, as the womans soul is constituted b y lifes mundane masquerade (a thousand sordid images). 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